Смотреть что такое "birthrate" в других словарях:
birthrate — irthrate . the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; usually expressed as birthes per 1000 population per year. Syn: fertility, fertility rate. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
birthrate — [bʉrth′rāt΄] n. the number of births per year per thousand of population in a given community, area, or group: sometimes other units of time or population are used: also birth rate … English World dictionary
birthrate — n. 1) a falling; high; low; rising; stable birthrate 2) the crude birthrate * * * [ bɜːθreɪt] high low rising stable birthrate a falling the crude birthrate … Combinatory dictionary
birthrate — birth|rate [ˈbə:θreıt US ˈbə:rθ ] n the number of births for every 100 or every 1000 people in a particular year in a particular place ▪ the rising birthrate … Dictionary of contemporary English
birthrate — noun (C) the number of births for every 100 or every 1000 people in a particular year in a particular place: a rapidly rising birthrate compare death rate … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
birthrate — noun Date: 1859 the ratio between births and individuals in a specified population and time … New Collegiate Dictionary
birthrate — /berrth rayt /, n. the proportion of births to the total population in a place in a given time, usually expressed as a quantity per 1000 of population. [1855 60; BIRTH + RATE1] * * * … Universalium
birthrate — noun the ratio of total live births to total population for a specific community or nation in a specified period; often expressed in births per thousand per year Ant: deathrate, mortality rate … Wiktionary
birthrate — birth·rate bər .thrāt n the ratio between births and individuals in a specified population and time often expressed as number of live births per hundred or per thousand population per year called also natality … Medical dictionary
birthrate — n. proportion of the number of births at a given time to the total population … English contemporary dictionary
birthrate — birth•rate [[t]ˈbɜrθˌreɪt[/t]] n. the proportion of births to the total population in a place in a given time • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang